
Monsoon programs:
We would have loved to take you diving, however, from mid June until the end of September the western monsoon wind causes the water conditions around Langkawi to be rough. It rains often during this time of the year and the visibility gets really bad (0m). Therefore, scuba diving or being out on a boat, would not be safe or fun...
We will be ready to take you out on the boat again from October 1st.
At the moment we can offer the following activities:
For first time divers:
Discover Scuba Pooldive: RM150
Min age: 10
Try diving in a swimmingpool. A fun experience for the whole family. After a safetybriefing and explanation of all equipment you will learn to breath under water and practice a few basic skills. Feel weightless and "fly" through the water.
incl transfertimes to and from the pool about 2,5 to 3 hour program.
PADI Open Water Referral: RM580
During the monsoon, when the waves are too high to go out on the boat and the water is brown, we can only complete the first part of the PADI Open water course: All theory (videos/manual/exam) and confined water training(pooldive where you practice a lot to get comfortable under water.
You will get signed off for these parts and this referral you need to bring to your next PADI instructor when you complete your 4 open water dives to get certified. (Or with Langkawi Scuba after the monsoon)
duration: 1,5 days.
Included: PADI Manual, Equipment use.
For certified divers:
Refresher Complete skill session RM250 (3hours)
If you have not been diving for a while and you would like to make sure you get confident again, then do a refresher with us.
Theory: What do you remember from your course?
Equipment setup: Can you remember all the safety-checks?
Shallow water: practice important safety skills that you learned in your open water course.
Buoyancy workshop RM250 (3hours)
Would you like to feel more in control under water and maybe even save some air?
During this workshop in the pool we will focus on weights and distribution, body-positioning, breathing pattern and kick-techniques while playing games under water. The program is fully adaptable to your level so that you will always feel challenged and learn something new, no matter your experience.
Rescue Refresher Workshop RM350 (3-4hours)
When was the last time you practiced your rescue-skills, probably when you did your Rescue-course, right? Let’s spend some time going over those lifesaving skills like helping a panicked diver or unconscious non-breathing diver underwater and at the surface. You will feel ready again to deal with any situation.